सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं


  1. #1.What is LDH.    

(source health screen),
LDH, IS A MEMBRANE BOUND RESPIRATORY ENZYME THAT'S PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN CELLULAR RESPIRATION. It exists in five isoenzyme forms viz.LDH1 to LDH5 distributed in different body tissues. Though, these isoenzyme differ in their amino acid sequences,and found extensively in all body tissues, they catalyze the same chemical reaction.LDH levels are usually very low in the blood stream and shows a sharp increase only when an episode of tissue damage occurs. Hence, it is used extensively as a marker to determine tissue damage and in some infections such as meningitis and cancer.


LDH; play an important role in glycolysis.During glycolysis there is conversion of glucose to pyruvate which further gets oxidized in citric acid cycle and electron transport cycle, to release large amount of ATP.which is utilized by the cell as a source of energy.if the cell lacks the ability to oxidize pyruvate due to insufficient oxygen or any problem in citric acid cycle. then the only alternative pathway for synthesis of ATP is the glycolytic pathway.Glycolytic pathway requires sufficient glucose along with ADP.inorganic phosphate and adenosine diphosphate,and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide for synthesizing sufficient ATP.Glucose can be easily obtained from diet or any other stored forms,and ADP and inorganic phosphate can be obtained by hydrolysis of ATP.NAD is the only limiting factor in this cycle and hence LDH plays a significant role in converting NADH produced in glycolytic pathway back to NAD to continue the glycolytic pathway.

Whenever we exercise the need for energy increases and supply of oxygen in the skeletal muscles gets reduced. This leads to an increase in LDH level, which as described above plays an important role in glycolytic pathway. Hence, in cases of muscular fatigue, high levels of LDH are seen.


High levels of serum LDH; are also indicative of pulmonary disease caused by cell damage or cell death like emphysema, pneumothorax and pulmonary disease. Bronchi pneumonia and inflammatory conditions like tuberculosis also show elevated LDH levels.

 #4.cancerous cells

High levels of LDH have also been detected in cancerous cells. The C -myc gene ( responsible for cell growth and apoptosis) is found linked to LDH A gene which increases the levels of LDH in cancer cells. As it is known that cancerous cells depend on anaerobic respiration for cell growth and metabolism, this is fuelled by the A form of LDH enzyme,and hence its levels are high in cancer. Thus LDH acts as a general marker to determine the prognosis of cancer cells.


Elevated levels of  LDH were seen in cerebrospinal fluid of patients suffering from meningitis. High levels of LDH 3 are seen in cases of aseptic meningitis, while high levels of LDH 4 and LDH 5 are seen in bacterial meningitis (inflammation in the protective sheath of brain and spinal cord).


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

होम्योपैथिक बायोकाम्बिनेशन नम्बर #1 से नम्बर #28 तक Homeopathic bio combination in hindi

  1.बायो काम्बिनेशन नम्बर 1 एनिमिया के लिये होम्योपैथिक बायोकाम्बिनेशन नम्बर 1 का उपयोग रक्ताल्पता या एनिमिया को दूर करनें के लियें किया जाता हैं । रक्ताल्पता या एनिमिया शरीर की एक ऐसी अवस्था हैं जिसमें रक्त में हिमोग्लोबिन की सघनता कम हो जाती हैं । हिमोग्लोबिन की कमी होनें से रक्त में आक्सीजन कम परिवहन हो पाता हैं ।  W.H.O.के अनुसार यदि पुरूष में 13 gm/100 ML ,और स्त्री में 12 gm/100ML से कम हिमोग्लोबिन रक्त में हैं तो इसका मतलब हैं कि व्यक्ति एनिमिक या रक्ताल्पता से ग्रसित हैं । एनिमिया के लक्षण ::: 1.शरीर में थकान 2.काम करतें समय साँस लेनें में परेशानी होना 3.चक्कर  आना  4.सिरदर्द 5. हाथों की हथेली और चेहरा पीला होना 6.ह्रदय की असामान्य धड़कन 7.ankle पर सूजन आना 8. अधिक उम्र के लोगों में ह्रदय शूल होना 9.किसी चोंट या बीमारी के कारण शरीर से अधिक रक्त निकलना बायोकाम्बिनेशन नम्बर  1 के मुख्य घटक ० केल्केरिया फास्फोरिका 3x ० फेंरम फास्फोरिकम 3x ० नेट...


PATANJALI BPGRIT VS DIVYA MUKTA VATI EXTRA POWER  पतंजलि आयुर्वेद ने high blood pressure की नई गोली BPGRIT निकाली हैं। इसके पहले पतंजलि आयुर्वेद ने उच्च रक्तचाप के लिए Divya Mukta Vati निकाली थी। अब सवाल उठता हैं कि पतंजलि आयुर्वेद को मुक्ता वटी के अलावा बीपी ग्रिट निकालने की क्या आवश्यकता बढ़ी। तो आईए जानतें हैं BPGRIT VS DIVYA MUKTA VATI EXTRA POWER के बारें में कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातें BPGRIT INGREDIENTS 1.अर्जुन छाल चूर्ण ( Terminalia Arjuna ) 150 मिलीग्राम 2.अनारदाना ( Punica granatum ) 100 मिलीग्राम 3.गोखरु ( Tribulus Terrestris  ) 100 मिलीग्राम 4.लहसुन ( Allium sativam ) 100  मिलीग्राम 5.दालचीनी (Cinnamon zeylanicun) 50 मिलीग्राम 6.शुद्ध  गुग्गुल ( Commiphora mukul )  7.गोंद रेजिन 10 मिलीग्राम 8.बबूल‌ गोंद 8 मिलीग्राम 9.टेल्कम (Hydrated Magnesium silicate) 8 मिलीग्राम 10. Microcrystlline cellulose 16 मिलीग्राम 11. Sodium carboxmethyle cellulose 8 मिलीग्राम DIVYA MUKTA VATI EXTRA POWER INGREDIENTS 1.गजवा  ( Onosma Bracteatum) 2.ब्राम्ही ( Bacopa monnieri...

गेरू के औषधीय प्रयोग

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