Traditional Tibetan Medicine - SOWA - RIGPA, Method of SOWA RIGPA Treatment "Sowa-Rigpa" means Science of Healing in Bhoti language, it is popularly known as Amchi or Tibetan medicine in In dia. Sowa-Rigpa is one of the oldest, Living and well documented medical tradition of the world with its origin to Bhagwan Bud dha in India. Medicine Buddha It has been popularly practice in Himalayan regions through out central Asia. In India it has been popularly practice in Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Darjeeling and now in Ti betan settlements all over India. Sowa Rigpa was formally incorporated under AYUSH Ministry after its formal recogni tion by amendment to the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 in 2010 and it be came the 6th recognised AYUSH system of medicines. Healthy and unhealthy body According to Sowa-Rigpa, a healthy body is typified as a state of balance of three hu mors (Nespa-sum), seven physical constitu ents (Luszungs- Idun) and thr...
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