VITAMIN E over the years, there has been a growing realization that harmful effects can result from free radical processes ocuring in biological system. With this realization and with a better understanding of the function of vitamin e.there has been a renewed interest in a- tocopherol,the most potent biological and antioxidant form of the vitamin. Vitamin E is a term that encompasses a group of potent,lipid-soluble,chain-breaking antioxidants.Structural analysis have revealed that molecules having vitamin E antioxidant activity include four tocopherols and four tocotrienols tocopherol is the predominant form of vitamin E in blood, no matter what the composition of the diet,because of the preferential uptake of vitamin E transport proteins a- tocopherol is the most common fat soluble vitamin in human blood,with concentration ranging from 15 to 40 mg/l DISCOVERY OF VITAMIN E It is an essential nutrient for humans and most animal species, especially early in life, vi...
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